Python – Using S3 Public Data

Dirk BrysBig Data, Tutorial

In this tutorial we’ll dig into Amazon’s Public Datasets. These datasets are available for everyone to explore and are stored in S3 buckets. We’ll learn how to connect to these buckets, explore them and how to load these data in … Read More

OTA architectures

Geert Van HeckeIIoT

The one size fits all OTA topology doesn’t fit anybody. There is no “best” OTA architecture. The right architecture depends on the “network layout” of your devices. For example a factory with 200 internally connected controllers has totally other needs … Read More

Data Lakes – Amazon S3

Dirk BrysBig DataLeave a Comment

The first requirement for any data lake is to ensure it can store the raw data that we want to use for data analytics. And in any format, whether it’s structured or unstructured data. We potentially want to store flat … Read More